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How to start a Gaming YouTube Channel in 2019?

Wondering how to start a Gaming YouTube channel? Well, it's not difficult to start your own channel as it seems. But involves regular attention and consistent work. You should start creating videos first. For that, you need a Gaming pc with good specifications or you can start with an android phone for creating videos for android games. That will be a low budget scheme and works equally. Thanks to increasing mobile market. Keep in mind that you try to create videos on trending games. You can know about the latest gaming trends through YouTube gaming. The next step is to upload them under a channel name. You can upload videos from any G-mail ID. Keep in mind that you should pick a channel name relating to gaming so as to capture more subscribers. Moreover, an attractive logo is mandatory. Then you have to create attractive thumbnails once you enable custom thumbnail option on Your channel. This has a major role in getting views on YouTube.Remember not to create spam

How to earn money through Gaming?

You might be here after hours of gaming and looking for productivity alternatives through your gaming addiction. Fortunately, there are many ways you can earn money through gaming. Creating a YouTube channel – This is the most popular method that gamers follow. Good gaming skills with attractive commentary can win you lots of views and subscribers. Whereas monetizing can pay you a considerable amount of money. Live streams are always been a good money yielder with a live audience. Gaming on YouTube is emerging as a trend. So it's a good opportunity to grab. Game tester: Many Game Developing Corporations look for game testers so that they can know about public opinion beforehand. You get a fixed salary in above case or rewards for every construc tive suggestion. To find a job like this you can send emails to Companies or keep an eye on their social media accounts to get any piece of information they declare about game testers. In game tournaments: Official and

Crushing it book review by gary vee

CRUSHING IT REVIEW- Crushing it is a book written by Gary Vaynerchuk. Who is a social media influencer famous for his motivational podcast? This book covers the topic of internet marketing. It provides examples of real life influencers who understood the power of social media at an early and build an autonomous business with it. They make their living using social media and doing something they really love to. This book can be very helpful for people who are passionate about a specific niche and would like to continue it further without facing monetary problems. Gary has rightly exclaimed that social media is never going to die out really soon. He further provides techniques to modify social presence. Gary claims that time has changed and the time when people used to have limited jobs is long gone. Every hobby can be monetized if you provide value and stay active. Overall this will be a great book for every entrepreneur out there.

How meditation changed my life?

How meditation changed my life: meditation results Meditation is a new trend lately. Actually, it’s the need of the hour. People like daily job workers, students, businessmen. Sportsmen. Everyone is stressed these days due to different reasons. That’s where meditation comes to place. It’s a wonderful tool to enhance the quality of your life and increase productivity. Its claimed that mediation is for the soul. So I tried it for 4 weeks and here are my results. 1.      Alertness-  since I started my day by meditating in the open area. It really opened up my mind and I found myself more alert during other tasks and was able to do it more efficiently. 2.      Value of time- since meditation takes very less time to practice (15minutes in my case), you will find out how every fraction of time is important and how you can utilize it the best way. 3.      Calmness- during meditation, you have to monitor your thoughts, and surprisingly this behavior continues for a long 

How to get sponsors for youtube channel?

You may have a good number of views and subscribers but you are not sponsored by any brand. This is the problem faced by many creators. Now you might be interested in how to find brands or approach them with your offer. Well a common platform between brands and creators, FameBit serves the purpose. Its youtube’s own platform for finding sponsors for youtube cahnnel. This I completely trusted platform and I recommend you to use that. It requires a minimum of 5000 susbcribers for creating an account. But keep in mind you should always approach a campaign of the product that matches your category of the channel. Or the audience may ignore it, leaving your sponsors unsatisfied. Now successfully closing a deal with a brand is difficult. Because convincing them is not easy at your expected price. So being a creator, I would always suggest you to kick off at a lower price. This will attract many brands to you. But donot get underpaid and be scammed by the bands. You  can read our a

The future of Gaming as a Sport.

Gaming is no longer a mere entertainment but is emerging as a sport. The scopes in this stream are increasing at a very higher rate. More and more people are developing an interest in gaming. Thanks to Major battle royal games like PUBG and Fornite. The ease of playing these at any device whether desktop or mobile device boosts its scope. Moreover, 50 % gaming audience is 24 + which makes gaming target of marketers through advertising or promotion. YouTube with gaming is the best combination. It can help in establishing a good money generator, While live stream on YouTube or Twitch is one of the most popular alternatives for building a responsive community. And the gaming market is expected to go significantly higher in the near future. In India, there are 250 million+ mobile gamers. This will be boosted by 1.5 times in 2022. Currently, gaming can pay you to the extent you can earn through a profession. All you have to do is exploit the emerging digital platform. Gaming tour

Qualities of a millionaire?

  Qualities of a millionaire?   Being a millionaire is no joke. It’s a dream for many, people spend their entire lives doing many sacrifices to achieve this destination. It’s not about account balance but more about the standard of lifestyle. To be a millionaire, you need to have a net worth of $1million or more excluding personal liabilities like cars, smartphones or other depreciating assets. This is not as easy as it seems. Here are few qualities will need to be a millionaire. 1.   Work ethic- this far more important than any of the points, you simply can’t achieve goals by just doing hard work one or two times. You need to have strong work ethic to put in quality work more frequently to see decent results. 2.   Network- it’s the backbone of any individual’s career. He must be in touch with influential people related to his niche or business. This increases opportunities and flow of work. This creates a sense of being ‘active’ in the game among your fellow