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Is college degree worth it?

Is college degree worth it?

 You always see people on Instagram flocking about how they earn millions but don’t have a college degree.  Although most of them are scams and care more about your money, To some extent they are right. 80% of the billionaires don’t hold a degree. But that’s a half story, let’s get into detail and tell you why a college degree holds no value in today’s world.

Is college degree worth it?
1.              OUTDATED- yes, you heard it right most of the information your professors teach you or you read in academic books are long been outdated but you still have to study it. Cruel, isn’t it?  Even the latest theories about quantum physics, space studies don’t get updated unless 2 or 3 years. Which holds a lot of value when you want to be employed? You graduate only to know all you studied for years is already proven wrong.

Is college degree worth it?
2.              IRRELEVANT- we are comparing the use of the info you learn in college to the info applied when you do the job. Well, that comes out to be 0 in most of the cases as what you study is mostly theory and has no direct application when you decide to work for a salary. You feel completely helpless and you need to do low profile jobs or work as an assistant to gain experience for working at the desired job. Companies expect 14 years of experience from 22-year-olds. Well, that’s justified and you should start working once you start to walk and apply for a job when others are at primary school.
Is college degree worth it?  
3.                   LACK OF JOBS- yeah, when you graduate, you need to pursue a specific subject with specific and selected branches. You become bound to work with a limited number of jobs, with no clarity of the industry being active for a certain amount of years. While the best use of the years would be to spend time with people who are already at a position you would want to be in the next years. And also expand skills and have more options to choose from. Otherwise, you can keep searching for a job of a mechanical engineer while others drive a Tesla. That’s just to explain the point you probably have another opinion.
Is college degree worth it?
4.                   INSUFFICIENT- this can arguably be the first point. The books and knowledge you acquire within college years are not at all enough for further life. Many things are missing from the syllabus including money management, stress management, time management, spirituality, work ethic and many more. These things have no replacement from your integration formula or balance sheets. You should learn these skills as soon as you want in life as they would help you grow in every aspect of life.

These are the most relevant points for avoiding a degree. But it does not apply to all of the people. Average joes should stay away. These apply only when you have clear plans for your future or have a skill which you are master.


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